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 SHAKTI RISING et amour sacré

Par le yoga et la danse SHAKTI RISING vous apprenez à vous reconnecter à votre corps, votre cœur et votre âme. Je vous  guidé à travers les éléments et les chakras avec des séquences de méditations, de yoga et de danse spécialement conçues pour les femmes pour s'aimer davantage.

Kundalini yoga: Une Pratique Spirituelle Sacrée

Le but de cette pratique est l’ouverture spirituelle grâce à l’énergie . Illustrée dans les temples hindous, par Shakti et Shiva, la dimension sacrée est complète lorsqu’il y a fusion entre le masculin, et le féminin. Ce courant de pensée agit sur le bien-être de l’individu et de son développement grâce à une circulation de l’énergie. Curieuses d’en connaître davantage ? De se libérer des préjugés ? 

Kundalini YOGA
Considéré comme le yoga originel, le Kundalini Yoga favorise les énergies créatives, permet de se régénérer physiquement et mentalement, de se recentrer, de se pacifier émotionnellement, de développer son optimisme et sa joie de vivre ! 
Sa pratique régulière permet une transformation en profondeur. 
C’est une discipline très complète qui agit sur les différents plans de l’Etre, basée sur des pratiques posturales statiques et dynamiques, des techniques respiratoires variées, des chants, des mantras, et de nombreuses méditations.
Il est accessible à tous !

Je vous propose des cours individuelles ou en groupe

My vision


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Learn to be yourself

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Is it a good thing to become the mirror of the other, to change in order to succeed socially, to no longer respect their limits, their desires to satisfy those around them, their personal or work environment? We can re-learn to be ourselves in life, in our work and little by little to accept ourselves, it is important.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Love yourself, LOVEYOURSELF

Why ? because no one will do it for you. And remember: others are with you as you are with them and yourself.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The mistakes we often make:

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


In our current life a lot of people are emotionally exhausted, and we are because (among other things) we criticize ourselves all day long in our heads.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

If we stopped, we would have more energy to do the things that matter to us, and to learn not to force ourselves to do the things that are less important to us. Think of anxiety and stress like coal - you can burn it and it will get you moving for a while, but if you keep burning it you are going to choke on it. If you want to create renewable, sustainable energy that is not toxic, you have to change your fuel.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Self-love, self-acceptance, and self-esteem lead to exponential growth, achievement, and contribution. This is what thought can create for you. It can have a huge impact / result, and it all starts in our own little brain.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Free your mind

When you hate yourself and focus on yourself, do you know what to focus on? You. I have often heard people say: I can't think of myself, it's selfish, I don't have time. Yet you think of yourself all the time and hate yourself.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

When you obsessively observe whether you are better than your coworkers, are you adding a lot of value? When you obsessively observe how you are a terrible parent, are you able to be present with your children?

Investing time, effort, and resources in managing your mind is the best thing you can do for yourself and for anyone who shares your life.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

How would you relate to others if you had confidence and compassion rather than insecurity? Do you think this new management of your mind could improve and improve the lives of the people around you?

Investing in improving your mental and emotional health is the opposite of frivolous. It's the most important thing you can spend your time on, and it positively impacts EVERYBODY in your life.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

You will always find people who don't like you, should you change?

I don't think so, I also accepted that you can't love everyone and vice versa. I also think that there are people with whom one is just not compatible.

Live for yourself and not for others

Often we see ourselves through the eyes of others. This often has an impact on us, our behaviors and our reactions. We can't change people, but we can change ourselves. We have capacities and resources but they can be destroyed by external gestures and looks. Often we have been taught to react in a certain way, eg we must not do this because others will say something. These are imposed values. We can all change if necessary, alone or with help. For example we can establish a dialogue with trusted people or therapists.

We can learn to remove these masks. Let's live life as we want to live it because life is short!

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

To conclude this article, there is a sentence from Albert Einstein that I really like: Two things are infinite, the UNIVERSE and HUMAN BETIZE. But as far as the universe is concerned, I have not yet acquired the certainty.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Last little word:

The name LoveYourself sounded natural to me. First, because I started studying nutrition, naturopathy and sophrology for me. To heal myself from visible wounds and those which are less visible. Subsequently the idea came to share my experience. And do it with great pleasure.

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