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From the first day to the last, for 9 months the mother-to-be will live one of the most intense periods of her life, physically, mentally and emotionally.

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The upheavals will be multiple, his body and his perception of the world will change. There is nothing less harmless in the life of a woman than a pregnancy, it is essential for the future mother, for the good development of the baby but also for the harmony of the couple to prepare for this major event. . Hence the interest of accompanying her pregnancy naturally through this art of living.

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The support of pregnancy with naturopathy can be done from the desire for pregnancy. Indeed, the naturopath accompanies couples wishing to have a child in order to prepare the "ground" for the future dad and the future mother. Not only will a healthy ground favor his chances of procreating more quickly but will also be an adequate environment for the good development of the future baby.

The pre-natal support is generally done 6 months before for a detox treatment (if vitality allows it) in order to eliminate toxins and waste from the body then 3 months before for a revitalization treatment in order to remineralize the body and fill any gaps.

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During pregnancy, the naturopath accompanies the mother-to-be with lifestyle advice based on diet, physical exercise, mental management, herbal medicine for a natural and harmonious pregnancy. One or two consultations during pregnancy will be offered in addition to a consultation around the 8th month to prepare the woman's body for childbirth.

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Carrying life is an incredible adventure and eating in a healthy and caring way is essential during pregnancy. Nutrition is one of the pillars of naturopathy, it participates in prevention and in the well-being of everyone. During this particular moment of life the needs evolve for the needs of the mother but also of the future child (ren).

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During pregnancy, we often hear about “bans”: of course tobacco, alcohol but also dairy products made from raw milk, raw fish, raw seafood… all the cold cuts to avoid listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. We talk less often about the beneficial diet and nutritional needs of the pregnant woman.

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So here are some basic tips:

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1. Choose quality foods!

Beware of pollutants, choose natural foods, as less processed as possible, ideally labeled organic (even if the standard has been largely relaxed). In any case, if you cannot choose everything organic, pay particular attention to:
- eggs because when they are organic they do not contain antibiotics and pesticides given to hens raised in battery (same for meats and especially chicken and beef).
- fruits: apple, peaches, strawberries and grapes which undergo more than 36 chemical treatments
- vegetables: salad, spinach, cucumber, potatoes among others.
- whole grains because it is in their outer shell very rich in fiber that pesticides are deposited.
- dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt) and especially cow's milk which are often packed with hormones and antibiotics.

You can also go to labels like Demeter, Bleu Blanc Coeur and Label Rouge.

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2. Compose varied and colorful plates!

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With seasonal fruits and vegetables of course to replenish vitamins and minerals when the body needs them. Tomatoes or strawberries in the middle of winter will do nothing because production methods use artificial light and preservatives for food that is transported over long distances.

3. Choose gentle cooking

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To respect the quality foods you are going to eat and "clean" utensils.

Gentle steams, low temperature cooking, woks to preserve the nutritional qualities of food but also the taste qualities. You will have every interest in banning harmful materials such as aluminum (cans, canned food, etc.), plastic films or plastic tupperware that will be heated, and plastic utensils (spoons, colanders, etc.).
Choose less harmful materials: wood, cast iron, iron, glass or 18/10 stainless steel.

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4. Eat quality protein

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They are essential for the structure of your body and that of your baby! Your need for proteins changes throughout pregnancy because they participate in the synthesis of tissues (muscles, skin, etc.) and in the development of the immune system. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, the important thing is to vary.

Do not forget freshwater algae such as spirulina or sea algae such as kumbu, wakame and dulce, which are very remineralizing!

5. Bring good fats to the plate

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Good fats are essential for both mother and future baby. The benefits are numerous: beauty and suppleness of the skin, development of the nervous system…. I recommend a minimum of 1 tablespoon of oil at each meal! Quality oils, virgin, first cold pressing that we will avoid heating. For example, the Quintesens brand, sold among others in the BioCoop network, offers the Futures Mamans blend made from olive, rapeseed, flax, sunflower, borage and wild fish oils, ideal for the needs of pregnancy.

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6. Pay attention to food associations

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Better to eat small meals than large indigestible ones. All foods have a different digestion time and to assimilate them well, it is important to combine them well. Otherwise it is at the risk of feeling sensations of heaviness or fatigue after meals. For example, raw fruits should rather be put outside of meals. The exception is pineapple which is rich in an enzyme - bromelain - which helps in the digestion of proteins.

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7. Have a stable blood sugar level

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To avoid fatigue, nausea but also demineralization and gestational diabetes! For the baby, the risks are
too much weight gain and hyperactivity.
To avoid this, start the day with a meal rich in good fats and good proteins such as golden porridge.

For meals, prefer whole grains and legumes and keep the sweet options to taste it with fruits or energy balls.

8. Remember to hydrate yourself well!

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Water is essential for our balance. Avoid stimulants like coffee and tea. The tea leads to a poorer fixing of iron, essential during pregnancy. You should drink at least 1 liter of pure water and 500ml of infusion (no added sugar) if you want to vary. If you do not like to drink or do not feel the sensation of thirst, consider putting slices of lemon or cucumber, mint leaves to make you want!

Be careful not to drink too much ice cold because this requires energy from the body to bring it back to temperature.

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It is also important to eat in a calm atmosphere in order to digest well. Think of the pleasure without excess because the digestive capacities are different!

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