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The benefits for women

A natural solution without side effects

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By hormonal stimulation, strengthening and nourishment of muscles and organs in the pelvis area,

endocrine gym (Aviva method) can help:

  • better control of premenstrual and menstrual pain;

  • regulate menstrual cycles and the length of periods;

  • amenorrhea (even for years);

  • correct the delay of the rules: we can make it happen (regardless of the cause of delay);

  • melt cysts and fibroids;

  • treat female infertility, especially anovulation; (In the event of a couple's infertility problem, a couple's course is recommended, because the AVIVA® Method can treat male infertility: increase the vitality and the quantity of sperm.)

  • improve OPK (polycystic ovaries);

  • regain a better libido;

  • solve hormone-related weight problems;

  • help regulate the effects of menopause;

Still other advantages under special exercises.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

How to learn and practice the Method?

After you have learned the movements, you can practice them at home!

The method consists of 18 exercises that all women (and in some cases men) can do 2-3 times per week.

In my 60 minute classes on occasion you can learn well the exercises for the precise execution of the movements.

I offer private, semi-private lessons for couples or groups.

Before classes you will receive a confidential questionnaire to better understand your situation and meet your expectations.

The Method is performed under your own responsibility.



Talk about

I think in the world we live in today, it's important to expose the danger of sugar! It was with these things in mind that I decided to found SOS Sucre.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Due to the powerful effects of sugar on the brain, it can be thought to act like a drug by acting like heroin and cocaine. And just like drugs, excess sugar is not good for us.

I invite you to browse this page, discover the articles below on added sugar, hidden sugar, action plan strategies and what to eat to counter sugar cravings.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Explore what interests you and ask questions. :)

Le sucre rose


Sugar, we want it… How could we do otherwise?

If you are one of the many people who have tried to reduce their sugar intake, you know how difficult it can be.

When we eat a lot of sugar, the brain's reward centers are activated. At the same time, a large amount of dopamine is released. This is what makes eating sugar so good. When we eat foods high in sugar often, we develop a tolerance that forces us to eat more sugar. Over time and with over-stimulation of these rewarding centers, we only develop an addiction to sugar because it helps us feel good when we eat it. Due to the powerful effects of sugar on the brain, it can be thought to act like a drug by acting like heroin and cocaine.

Just like drugs, excess sugar is not good for us. This is especially important now, as the world's sugar consumption is on the rise. Over the past 30 years, the consumption of adult sugars has increased by more than 30%. On average, we consume about 100 pounds of sugar per year, or nearly 30 teaspoons per day. According to the American Heart Association, one should not consume more than six teaspoons of sugar per day. About half of this amount comes from soft drinks and fruit drinks.

What about the added sugar?

Added sugar is also a poison. It has no nutritional value and does not contain essential proteins, minerals and vitamins.

There are often two types of sugars: natural sugars and added sugars. Added sugar is one of the most harmful and toxic ingredients in the Western diet. It can have harmful effects on our metabolism and contribute to the development of many serious diseases and conditions. Too much sugar is harmful to the body and promotes inflammation and disease. A recent study shows evidence linking sugar consumption and breast cancer. Consumption of sugar is also a major risk factor for the development of other health problems such as obesity and heart disease.

The hidden sugar

Sugar is hidden in a lot of the foods we eat every day. That is why it is important to check. It is found by several different names: such as fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, glucose, and dextrose. One of the main culprits is high fructose corn syrup, which is found in a lot of foods that you wouldn't suspect: like frozen ready meals, certain vegetables, peanut butter, pickles, salad dressing. , soup, canned fruit….

Because it can be difficult to completely remove sugar from our diet, the minimum we can do is to cut it down and go for natural alternatives like honey.

If you want to eat sugar, it is best to get it from naturally sweet fruits as opposed to processed foods. This way, you can satisfy your craving for sugar while still getting some of the nutrients. Fruits are still high in sugar, so don't overdo it.

How to determine an addiction?

We tend to minimize things, because we take `` sugar happiness '' with pleasure. Chocolate addicts cannot find a way out for '' chocolate addiction '' since, in fact, stress flies away after consuming it, it is a '' beautiful chocolate addict ''.

The same goes for our candy addict who lets himself go with a constant craving for sugar and no longer reason with the sweet urges demanded by his body, it is also a "beautiful sugar addiction".

Finally, we are breaking our heads to answer the questions of how to stop sugar?

But How to stop sugar and how to stop craving sugar?

Good strategy of action plan

Indeed, to fight an addiction and find a compromise so that we do not have to suffer from sugar withdrawal, we must adopt a good strategy of action plan. We need to know when we will have this craving for sugar all the time.

Drink water, not juice, to accompany your light snack. And when you buy chocolate, don't take too much. It is not that easy to overcome addiction to sugar, but by paying attention to the quality of the food that we eat, we manage to stop the craving for sugar and make the decision to cut the sugar out of it. food.

For a sugar elimination diet

Try to eliminate the following foods, for 3 to 4 months, because there is no other way to do this than to pass them on to oblivion for this period:

  • All sugars (restrict fruits)

  • Chemically produced sugars: malt syrup, maltose, fructose, dextrose, xylitol, sorbitol, corn syrup, molasses, brown sugar, brown sugar, modified corn starch

  • Natural sugars: raw sugar, maple syrup, Barbadian molasses, rice or barley syrup, honey, fruit juice, fruit or dried fruit syrup, coconut palm sugar, amasake (fermented rice drink).

  • Fruit juices (high fructose rate)

  • Fizzy drinks

  • Refined cereals (white)

  • Potatoes

  • Coffee

  • Restrict foods high in protein: meats, eggs, cheese, nuts

It may be advisable to be followed by a therapist for guidance through important dietary changes.

What to eat to counter sugar cravings:

  • Bitter, astringent, sour and spicy flavors.

  • Bitter: leafy green vegetables, eggplant, turmeric, spinach, endives

  • Astringent: legumes, pomegranate, persimmon

  • Hot: hot pepper, ginger, cumin, garlic, onion

  • Safe (sour): lemon, apple wax vinegar, berries, some apples

These flavors will help counter the excess of sweet and savory flavors that are consumed abundantly by the majority of us.

  • Drinking wheatgrass juice and eating sprouts and sprouts abundantly, both also have sweet flavors.

  • Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat. Mastics for a long time to fully taste their deep sweet flavor

  • At the start and end of the meal, eat raw carrots, Jerusalem artichoke (also called Jerusalem artichoke), lettuce, radishes, sweet potato (yam), parsnip

  • Microalgae such as spirulina, chlorella and AFA improve protein digestion and sugar metabolism, reducing cravings

Certain natural supplements taken temporarily and advised by a therapist can also show an effectiveness against the sugar cravings, according to the needs and the individuals, such as vitamin C, B, calcium, magnesium, and certain amino acids like the tryptophan, the methionine, and tyrosine.

How does this dependence come about?

One or more of these mechanisms can present themselves and encourage the excessive consumption of sugar:

  • An imbalance in serotonin, a neurotransmitter made from the amino acid tryptophan. This neurotransmitter is made in the brain and then distributed throughout the body, performing a role of resynchronizing the brain each morning. It affects the ability to rest, regenerate and have serenity.

  • Sugar has a similar effect and temporarily compensates for the first deficiency. Craving for bread, potatoes and other starchy foods can also be due to a lack of serotonin.

  • An imbalance in dopamine, the amino acid which, when deficient, makes you prone to addiction.

  • Refined food, the one that was the norm for several decades and still remains so for many people today, because it stealthily leads to HYPOGLYCEMIA. If the latter occurs, the first thing our brain will ask for will be sugar, to quickly remedy the situation. It was not uncommon to see mothers dipping baby pacifiers in sugar and adding more to the water in bottles. The habit has been around for a long time.

  • Stress and Fear: Both trigger mechanisms to release glucose into the blood. The body believes that it must eat, stock up on fuel, in order to have to defend itself, to fight, to run for hours to save itself… and this even if the fears and stress are imaginary. These two almost omnipresent social scourges must imperatively be managed.

What foods are linked to sugar addiction?

  • Caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, colas), cocoa, as well as tobacco: they deplete the adrenal glands which subsequently fail to raise blood glucose when the body is on an empty stomach;

  • White flour, alcohol: they weaken the liver, which can no longer properly store and then release glucose into the blood

  • Again white flour, white bread, white pasta, refined pastries: the body treats them like white sugar.

  • Gluten: it makes you want to eat sugar

  • Soft drinks: sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, they are highly addictive;

  • Salt and vinegar encourage the ingestion of sugar to balance the flavors;

  • Meats, fish and cheese also create a high desire for sugar, because it has been shown that when there are many in the diet, sugar is consumed more widely.

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