Naturopath | Sophrologist | Craniosacral Therapist
"There are two days in the year when nothing can be done: yesterday and tomorrow." Dalai Lama
Danse Libre
« On danse pour rire, on danse pour les larmes, on danse pour la folie, on danse pour les peurs, on danse pour les espoirs, on danse pour les cris, on est les danseurs, on crée les rêves. » Albert Einstein
La Sophro-Danse est mariage entre la sophrologie et l’expression du mouvement corporel libre dansé en musique. Le tout en douceur.
Ces ateliers permettent une meilleure écoute de son corps, de se centrer sur soi, de renforcer la confiance en soi, vivre sa corporalité, ses émotions, la musicalité de façon différente… Et bien sûr se faire plaisir et passer un bon moment.
Les séances d’1h30, se déroulent en 3 temps :
– l’échauffement, réveil corporel, étirements, auto-massage…..
– travail sur la respiration, le mouvement, l’écoute des sensations et des émotions, la résonance du son et du rythme…
– un temps d’échange pour exprimer et continuer d’intégrer les phénomènes vécus au cours de la séance dans la bienveillance et le respect de chacun.
The support that I offer is aimed at anyone wishing to overcome a problem, whatever it is (illness, bereavement, phobia, psychosomatic disorder, burn-out, addiction, eating disorder, important personal or professional life stages. generating anxiety and / or doubts, relationship difficulties, repeated failures, lack of self-confidence, general feeling of unease…).
This support is also intended for people wishing to carry out personal development work or better self-knowledge.
Sophrologist trained in sophro-analysis, my support combines positive psychology, humanist therapy methods (EFT, NLP) and sophrology.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Thanks to this unique therapeutic association, I offer you a multidimensional integrative therapy: cognitive, emotional and bodily.
This comprehensive and integrative therapy method will allow you:
- access the events at the root of your current limitations
- release the emotional memories that block you
- to install new energy and new understandings in an expanded awareness of events
- to deactivate trauma, difficult or painful events that have emerged during the sessions
- to express your potential by becoming the creator of your life
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Thus, you will not limit yourself to just realizations as is the case in most "mental" therapies. Indeed, the accompaniment integrates re-information phases involving both the body and the mind. This re-information allows awareness to be transformed into action and therefore to be a source of real changes in your being and in your life.
The therapeutic approach is therefore based on two essential dimensions: the analytical dimension and the bodily dimension.
The analytical dimension makes it possible to identify beliefs and blockages, but also to explore life scenarios in order to allow you in particular to get out of repetitive patterns.
The bodily dimension makes it possible to access messages from the unconscious and explore emotions in depth.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Thus, during the sessions, the time for discussion and verbalization is also accompanied by techniques from sophrology. This allows you to move to a new level of consciousness to work on the future (projection), on the past (trauma), on the present (conflict or current issue), on the imagination, on the symbolism and on the world. emotions.
This therapeutic approach is suitable for people facing a specific or deep problem, but also for people wishing to carry out work of personal development or better knowledge of oneself.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Hope to meet you