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It is essential to live these values to exist


Sophrology helps to develop a serene consciousness through training based on relaxation techniques and activation of the body and mind.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Sophrology improves the quality of the relationship that each of us has with our existence.

It helps to find the balance between emotions, thoughts, knowledge, beliefs and behaviors. As well as to manage his stress, anger, doubts, his past. It develops self-confidence, and allows you to live better in the present moment.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

I suggest 1 audio session below.

Audio Relaxation Sophrology Gaelle Tipaka



Sophrology allows you to find inner peace and physical, mental and emotional harmony. It leads to a positive transformation of existence and ultimately to the blossoming of being. It allows us to bring up subconscious resources, frees us from limiting beliefs and makes yesterday's impossible possible tomorrow.

It allowed me to find the balance between my emotions, my thoughts, knowledge, beliefs and my behaviors. It also allowed me to manage my stress, my anger, my doubts, my past. It allowed me to develop my self-confidence, and better live the present moment.

I followed a 2-year training course to become a Sophrologist at the Swiss Caycedian Sophrology Training Center (in Lausanne). I was able to meet passionate people who taught me the fundamentals, techniques and methods that I will briefly present to you. Sophrology allows us to:

  • Work on our body diagram: inhabit / become aware of our body to achieve physical and psychic harmony

  • Strengthen positive action, in order to develop the positive elements of the past, present and future and to better use all our potentials

  • Develop objective reality, to learn to see things more as they are, to develop more realism and efficiency in action.

  • Become aware of our existential schema as reality

The techniques and methods will be adapted to the situations and to the participants in each session.


Caycedo's dynamic relaxations

They are very effective and allow greater progression. They are also longer (40 to 60 minutes). They are inspired by oriental techniques: Indian Yoga, Tibetan Tummo or Dhumo, Japanese Zazen. Practiced standing and / or sitting on a chair, in full light, they are the preferred method in groups and represent one of the pillars of relaxation therapy. They bring together several techniques following a rigorous method in long-term objectives.

Sophronizations or specific techniques

Techniques especially practiced in individual sessions, are numerous and chosen according to the person, his request and his need. There are several methods such as concentrating on an object, projecting into the future, evoking pleasant memories. It is essentially an adaptation, a personalization in short protocols (5 to 20 minutes), precise, with immediate or short-term objectives.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to try 😊

I also took courses with Bernard Barel (clinical psychologist, psychomotor therapist, Caycedian sophrologist and Director of the Academy of Caycedian Sophrology in Paris)

I suggest you watch one of his videos:

'Caycedian Sophrology and other complementary techniques in psychological support'

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