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Mindfulness Stress Reduction helps reduce stress due to illness and chronic pain in patients.
Mindfulness is a way of living more fully by being present to oneself, to others and to life.

What nourishes each of us in this world? For me, it's the areas of Health, Body and Spirit

as Sophrologist & naturopath. I look forward to meeting you to discuss it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


To be in full awareness is to be fully present to what is happening instant after instant, without getting lost in thoughts, value judgments or in our often automatic modes of functioning. The practice of mindfulness leads to being more in contact with oneself, with others and with life in general. It provides more serenity in relation to the events we are going through and allows more flexibility in our behavior.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


This technique can bring about significant changes in health and well-being; An encounter with oneself, a more conscientious life and more freedom. Intensive practice allows for a gradual integration of mindfulness into one's daily life. The sharing of experiences supports the application and integration into everyday life. Daily practice leads to the experience of the benefits of mindfulness and to realize the changes that it brings concretely. The most commonly reported benefits are:

  • well-being, stress reduction, the impact of emotions, quality of sleep and concentration,

  • decrease in anxiety, moodiness and depression,

  • reduction of chronic pain, blood pressure and stimulation of the immune system.

Some of these benefits start to appear after a few hours of meditation and become more and more persistent with practice.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

What does science say?

Studies have confirmed, among other things, a reduction in the feeling of stress and anxiety, a decrease in psychosomatic symptoms, more joie de vivre as well as the ability to relax. Structural changes in the brain have even been demonstrated by research in neuroscience.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Mer calme

Utilité de la sophrologie en cas de stress

La sophrologie est un entraînement de la conscience basé sur l'activation du corps et de l'esprit et qui, selon les objectifs recherchés et les techniques appliquées, apportera des sensations de vitalité et d'énergie ou de relâchement des tensions et de sérénité. Un entraînement adéquat permet de trouver un meilleur équilibre et de réagir de manière plus adaptée aux situations stressantes. La sophrologie aide notamment à renforcer la confiance en soi, à augmenter le sentiment de présence positive de soi et à révéler ses propres valeurs.
Cette méthode est utilisée avec succès non seulement dans le développement de la personnalité, mais aussi dans les domaines de la santé, du sport, de l'éducation et de l'entreprise.
Le fondateur de la sophrologie, le neuropsychiatre Prof. Alfonso Caycedo (1932-2017), a développé cette méthode dès 1960. Son utilisation s'est dès lors répandue dans de nombreux pays.

Si vous souffrez de stress, n'hésitez pas à me contacter 

Smoothie avec ingrédients

Stress, dépression, fatigue : comment la naturopathie peut aider ?

La naturopathie est un ensemble de techniques naturelles qui visent à renforcer l’organisme, mais aussi à équilibrer le système nerveux. Le naturopathe connaît très bien le fonctionnement de l’organisme. Il sait quels sont les mécanismes du stress et quelles sont les solutions à mettre en place. 

La naturopathie est donc tout à fait indiquée en cas de stress, de dépression, mais également de fatigue. 

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